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Amateur Astronomers Association
Amateur Astronomers Ass Pittsburgh (NEW)
Astro Engineering
Astronomical Society of Harrisburg
Astronomical Society of Toms River
Celestial Buddies (NEW)
Cloudy Nights Classic Telescope Forum
Finger Lakes Instrumentation, LLC
Fornax Mounts/Fervent Astronomy
Galactic Context Models (NEW)
Glatter Collimation by Starlight Instruments
International Occultation Timing (IOTA)
Jules Verne Science Expeditions
Losmandy Astronomical Products
Maine Astronomy Retreat (MARS)
Moonlite Telescope Accessories
New Jersey Astronomical Association
OG star tech (NEW)
Oregon Observatory at Sunriver (Sunriver Nature)
Peter Scherff Meteorite Collection,
Photonic Cleaning Technologies, LLC"
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